NN RAAL RIBBONS - delivering you unparalleled high-frequency clarity and exceptional audio performance.


1.Full name of the legal entity: N.N.RAAL d.o.o Belgrade - Stari grad

2. Abbreviated name of the legal entity: N.N.RAAL d.o.o

3. Place: Belgrade

4. Street and number: Kapetan MiĊĦina 23

5. Municipality: Stari grad

6. Registration number: 21453714

7. VAT : RS111275818

8. Activity code: 2640

9. Phone number: +381 64 111 4470

10. e-mail address: info@nnacoustics.com

11. Name and surname of the responsible person: Nenad Napijalo

12. Phone number of the responsible person: +381 64 111 4470