` N.N. RAAL Ribbons - Model 64-10
NN RAAL RIBBONS - delivering you unparalleled high-frequency clarity and exceptional audio performance.

Model 64-10

This model is the smallest in terms of dimensions, yet not the weekest weoffer.

The housing is formed out of laser-cut steel plates. There are two chambersin the housing that are placed longitudinally, next to each other. Eachchamber is stuffed with materials used for absorption of sound waves, in thiscase they are stuffed with real wool felt, not with the synthetic fel. The felt isbeing picked out very carefully because it must not contain any impurities inthe fibers. The purity of this felt is higher than the purity of the felt used inthe production of pianos. In each chamber there are two felts, one of whichhas a jagged top edge that looks into the ribbon itself, and the other isformed in step shape. The density and mass of each individual felt must beextremely precise. The maximum tolerance of each felt mass is +/- 0,05grams. That’s why 90% of the felt ends up as waste when cutting it andmeasuring it.

In the housing there are two very strong neodymium magnets which areplaced on both sides of longer edges of the ribbon. The third slightly smallerneodymium magnet is added and placed below the ribbon, which has therole of focusing and directing the magnetic field of the two main magnetsonto the ribbon. This achieves a higher sensitivity of the speaker.The ribbon itself is made out of 8 microns thick aluminum foil, which isironed and stiffened by a particularly critical process. This ribbon doesn’thave carrier foil made out of MYLAR, it’s in direct touch with air. Thisprovides the smallest possible moving mass, several hundreds of timessmaller than any classic DOME tweeter and far smaller than RIBBONS with aMYLAR carrier foil.

The result is shockingly rich, detailed, the sound image is unencumbered byany colorations.

The ribbon itself is fixated on the ends to the supporting frame viatensioners. After installation, the ribbon is being precisely tensioned in orderto achieve optimal performance.

The model 64-10 isn’t user serviceable, which means that the user can’treplace the ribbon himself in the case of need, whereas the whole ribbon hasto be replaced.

This is the only model where the adaptive transformer is placed on theoutside of the housing. The transformer is hand-made and as an integralpart of the speaker it is absolutely reliable. It cannot break down.The FACE PLATE is laser-cut, hand processed, and the final processing ispowder coating.

Model 64-10 can be used in small two-system book shelf speaker boxes inmicro monitors, central speakers, as well as in larger sub-state three or fourway systems.

Like every other model, this one is characterized by exceptional openness,detail, spaciousness and depth of the sound image. The sound is fluffy,colorless, it will not hide or mask even the finest information read from thesource.

64-10 crossover diagram (pdf)

64-10 measurements (pdf)